Welcome to Lifevision for development


Our vision is for marginalised people (women, children and youth) in rural areas and slums, to live in dignity, capable of reaching their potential and positively impact their society.

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Life Vision partners with grassroot, community-based organisations for programmes co-implementation to build the capacity of local communities, targeting more structured transformation and sustainable change.

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How to contribute?

To achieve our goals, we still need much support. You can help by volunteering in our action plans or by donating to our programmes.


Stay updated with our main recent activities

3000 Women joined the Farmer Field School

3250 Women supported with income generating activities

850 Youth trained vocationally

800 Children educated at "El Waha" Oasis

1200 houses installed with clean water and latrines

1500 Women received literacy certificate


Stay updated with our latest activities


مركز التميز

يسر مركز التميز لتطوير الأعمال عن تقديم خدمات الاستشارات الفنية للمشاريع الجديدة والمشاريع القائمة دراسة الجدوى دراسة السوق التسعير التشبيك مع المؤسسات والهيئات والشركات الاتصال والتواصل الفعال أرقام الاتصال: 01210266558 01555063353
By : life vision | Nov 13, 2023

إعلان وظيفة

تعلن   “مؤسسة رؤية حياة للتنمية”   عن حاجتها لشغل الوظيفة التالية الوظيفة : مدير/ مديرة مشروع المشروع :عايشين بخيرها الممول من : مؤسسة كير مصر محافظة : المنيا :المؤهلات والخبرات حاصل<a class="moretag" href="http://lifevisioneg.org/%d8%a5%d8%b9%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%86-%d9%88%d8%b8%d9%8a%d9%81%d8%a9/">Read More...</a>
By : life vision | Nov 9, 2023

Life Vision for development in partner with Alfanar non profit organization Event

CSR Delegation Visits CCC’s Funded Women Empowerment Project in Minya, Egypt On January 15, 2020 CCC’s CSR’s delegation visited two Farmer Field Schools in El-Ruby and El-Tayeba Villages in the governorate of<a class="moretag" href="http://lifevisioneg.org/2471-2/">Read More...</a>
By : Merihame Magdy | Feb 4, 2020


Please don't hesitate to contact us for any inquiries

61 Abbas Al Akkad, Al manteka el Oula, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

Success stories

Life Vision has supported many to have successful lives

I plant wheat in Beni Sweaf and I have 7 children. Ever since I stopped pesticide and started the compost and my harvest increased the double.

Farmer field school taught me how to make compost and spread it on the earth. I started to take care of my business and save money for my children. This year I harvested 27 bags! The farmers field school made a real difference in my life!

Mervat Mahda Bani Sweaf

I am 35 years old married and i have 5 kids. I lived in a place made of raw bricks. We were in a bad situation. We needed to increase our income and had many debts that reached 80 thousands! We sold our belongings to pay the debts. Meanwhile I joined the farmer field school and they taught me many things. I learned how to raise cattle like buffaloes and cows, so i bought a buffalo and some chickens and rabbits, started to raise them and sell. I worked in the harvest too and tried to manage everything and finally I could pay all my kids expenses  and I got them the best food. Farmer field school taught me that I must follow my enthusiasm not to be victim of circumstances.

Iman Saber Baney Ahmed, Sharkeya