To complement the Farmer Field and Business School program, and towards its sustainability and upscaling, Life Vision envisioned establishing and assessing the feasibility of small business models; cattle breeding, egg hatchers, multispan green houses and encouraging the farmers to join together in groups, access seed funding and start their own income generating plans thus encouraging them move up the entrepreneurial ladder and onwards on the value chain. Faculty of Agriculture, Minya University is richly contributing to this program towards identifying innovative agri-business ideas and studying their feasibility and measuring their financial, social, environmental outcomes.
Lifevision’s developmental strategy includes establishing this Center of Excellence in Minia’s desert to assist the farmers and support moving them from farmer field schools especially women, where they learn how to grow their crops efficiently, to a more sustainable program where they become fully empowered to manage their own small enterprises through partnering with Alfanar.
Our partners Alfanar share our same vision and our successful partnership has resulted in establishing several green houses and an aquaponic unit to enrich about 800 women farmers with the most recent techniques in agriculture in the most rural parts of Minia to enable them to grow crops of growing demand and higher revenue.